Employment and Career Path Security : What Are the Links ?
Beginning from an inquiry into the security of professional paths, INSEE's Training and Professional Qualification survey (TPQ)1 enabled us to test three of its principal dimensions as defined by the CERC2 (2005): employment stability, employment security and income security. The analysis of career paths of active workers in the labor market cannot be reduced to the characterization to their individual profiles. It is also necessary to take into account another determining dimension in professional mobility: the previously held job. The work references of persons in salaried employment in 1998, notably on the nature and content of the post, made it possible to better characterize their trajectories over a five-year period. We found that the characteristics of the employment relationship, the nature of the post held or the type of firm yield a stronger explanation of job stability, as well as of secure professional mobility in terms of income. On the other hand, individual characteristics play a more determining role in employment security, which is to say, the risk of experiencing a period of unemployment longer than six months. Categories of differentiated professional mobility emerged from these findings: career mobility within the firm, having a rising path with increasing income, as well as risky professional mobility due to exposure to lasting unemployment. These tendencies therefore persuaded us not to explore the issue of the security of employment trajectories independently from the jobs previously held by the wage earner.