Mozambique: Implementation of a certification system
Supporting officials and experts in Mozambique in the development of their offer of vocational qualifications.
Providing experts for international cooperation has always been a productive complement to Céreq's research activity, particularly for the contribution it makes to comparative analyses with the French context. Above and beyond its collaboration within Europe, Céreq has made numerous contributions to development projects in non-EU countries over the past 20 years. Céreq has provided expert support for the development of vocational training certification systems (Morocco, Ivory Coast, etc.), the establishment of standards for occupations and skills (Peru) and the introduction of national observatories at industry level, both locally and nationally, able to provide data on developments in the labour market (Tunisia, Algeria, Gabon, etc).
A programme financed by the World Bank : This expertise is being provided today in partnership with the CIEP (Centre International d'Etudes Pédagogiques), a French public institution for education and training cooperation. This cooperation is currently benefitting the Republic of Mozambique, whose Ministry of Labour is engaged in the modernisation of its vocational training system. This project is part of a World Bank-funded programme.
The project has to meet a number of challenges: persistently low numbers of people in vocational training, extremely diverse career trajectories, the need to recognise skills acquired in the informal economy, the collaboration between public and private stakeholders and the extending of the national qualifications framework. The expertise will support local bodies in reorganising the governance of the system and help it develop into a coherent, unitary system.
The technical assistance project is divided into 4 strands that will run for a total of 6 months, divided between field missions in Mozambique and research activities in France.
The strands are:
- 1 - Diagnosis based on document-based analysis of the local context and joint work with the local Steering Committee (SE-COREP) with the aim of understanding the reform, the roles of the actors involved, the information flows and the regulatory framework.
- 2 - Consolidation of the national certification system, which will involve all stakeholders in sharing knowledge, and design of the new system in all its aspects.
- 3 - "Training" activity, which will focus on developing the abilities of managers and technicians to use and manage the system.
- 4 - "Testing" activity, the aim of which will be to observe the implementation of pilot cases on the ground and to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed measures on the ground.
A feasibility study will be carried out and presented to the stakeholders in the country's vocational training system. This report will provide some information on the reform process and the reorganisation of the system's governance and put forward some possible avenues for future developments.
Pierre Homerin (CIEP, project coordinator) ;
Matteo Sgarzi (Céreq),
Elizabeth Zamorano (CIEP),
Further Reading: