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100 results

Training & Employment - 161

Shortage occupations: might young people be the answer?

Tensions in the labour market reflect recruitment difficulties that are often seen as the result of a gap, in terms of quantity and quality, between applicants’ skills and employers’ expectations. But does such a gap exist for young people at the sta...

Training and Employment, n° 161 , November 2023, 4 p.
Couverture T&E 160

“Learning from and through work”, an alternative route to qualification

A good number of young people leave the education system without qualifications. For most of them, coming as they often do from disadvantaged areas, from areas on the periphery of towns and cities or from rural areas, access to the formal education a...

Training and Employment, n° 160 , June 2023, 4 p.
Training and Employment 159

Has the crisis disrupted thirty-somethings’ career trajectories?

How have the working lives of young people in their thirties, the “hard core” of the economically active population in employment, been affected by the health crisis of 2020? The results of the Génération survey: Covid et après? (After Covid what?) s...

Training and Employment, n° 159 , June 2023, 4 p.
Training & Employment 158

Between giving up and launching the project: career change plans challenged by the crisis

An event as unprecedented as it was unexpected, the health crisis interfered with employees’ plans for career change. How did they come to terms with this situation? In particular, what happened to blue-collar workers, or more broadly the least skill...

Training and Employment, n° 158 , September 2022, 4 p.
Training & Employment 157

Is the health crisis enough to explain their desire for a career change?

Three years into their working lives, the young people of the 2017 cohort of leavers from education and training saw the early stages of their careers thrown into confusion. Questioned several months afterwards, one third of them stated that the cris...

Training and Employment, n° 157 , June 2022, 4 p.

Retraining is hard work! A survey of unskilled workers

The question of retraining lies at the heart of current employment policy issues. However, wanting to change occupation is no guarantee of completing a retraining programme, even less of finding a job. While low-skilled blue- and white-collar workers...

Training and Employment, n° 156 , June 2022, 4 p.

What role does education play in environmental concerns?

Several international studies and reports have highlighted the key role that education plays in raising people’s awareness of environmental protection. The Génération 2013 survey, which includes a questionnaire focused specifically on sustainable dev...

Training and Employment, n° 155 , January 2022, 4 p.
Couverture Training & Employment 153

What certification for transversal competences in France?

Since the Act of 23 April 2005 came into force, curricula in the compulsory stages of education have been drawn up on the basis of a “common core of knowledge and competences”. Updated and extended by the 2013 Act, this common core is the French vers...

Training and Employment, n° 153 , November 2021, 4 p.

Young people not in employment, education or training (NEET): the role of basic competencies

A  top priority for public policies at both national and European levels, young people  who are not in employment, education or training (NEET) face a risk of exclusion that  varies in intensity from country to country. While education...

Training and Employment, n° 154 , October 2021, 4 p.

From restructuring to career transitions: a new era of occupational mobility?

The effects of the health crisis have forced businesses in many sectors to deal with a sharp decline in activity, which in some cases is likely to last a long time. A series of measures already exist to support employees obliged to find alternative e...

Training and Employment, n° 152 , April 2021, 4 p.

How do young people from priority neighbourhoods fare after their baccalauréat?

High-school students from priority neighbourhoods face specific difficulties in obtaining the bac and going on to higher education. Above and beyond the effects linked to their social background, does the fact of living in a priority neighbourhood ha...

Training and Employment, n° 151 , March 2021, 4 p.

The observatories become fully operational

The occupations and skills observatories (OSOs), set up throughout the French economy since 2004, provide technical expertise in support of employment and training policy in the various occupational sectors. Having developed and diversified their wor...

Training and Employment, n° 150 , March 2021, 4 p.

A comparative perspective on training in Europe: French companies hit a glass ceiling

Since 2005, European companies’ training effort has been growing and practices have been diversifying. French companies, which were initially among those providing the most training, have shown great stability over time, having for the most part reta...

Training and Employment, n° 148 , September 2020, 4 p.

Constructing the skills of the future in the construction and civil engineering (CCE) sector

From secondary-level vocational qualifications (CAP) to the elite engineering schools, the construction and civil engineering (CCE) sector offers a range of different training pathways for young people wishing to qualify in one of the sector’s occupa...

Training and Employment, n° 149 , September 2020, 4 p.

Subcontracting in value chains: the weak link in firm-based training

Subcontracting strategies in labour-intensive industries have escalated over the past forty years. They are reflected in the fragmentation and geographic dispersion of the activities that make up the so-called value chains. It is already known that t...

Training and Employment, n° 147 , August 2020, 4 p.

Cooperation for better career development advice: a close-up on local stakeholder practices

CEP (Career development advice), which was introduced in France in 2014 in line with the recommendations of the Council of the European Union Resolution of 21 November 2008 on Lifelong Guidance, is designed to guarantee personalised support for all w...

Training and Employment, n° 146 , June 2020, 4 p.

The impact of digital technology on skills in logistics warehouses

Driven by both technological developments and the boom in e-commerce, the logistics sector is currently undergoing far-reaching changes in its production processes. These dynamics could well lead to radical changes in working and employment condition...

Training and Employment, n° 145 , May 2020, 4 p.

Envisioning the occupations of the future together

The case of the waste recovery and recycling sector  In a national and international economic context in which jobs and skills are changing rapidly, prospective analysis is an approach that the economic partners and public authorities in France...

Training and Employment, n° 144 , April 2020, 4 p.