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3 results


The observatories become fully operational

The occupations and skills observatories (OSOs), set up throughout the French economy since 2004, provide technical expertise in support of employment and training policy in the various occupational sectors. Having developed and diversified their wor...

Training and Employment, n° 150 , March 2021, 4 p.

Constructing the skills of the future in the construction and civil engineering (CCE) sector

From secondary-level vocational qualifications (CAP) to the elite engineering schools, the construction and civil engineering (CCE) sector offers a range of different training pathways for young people wishing to qualify in one of the sector’s occupa...

Training and Employment, n° 149 , September 2020, 4 p.

Professionals take a prospective look at trades in the construction sector

Trades in the French construction sector seem to be heading towards a period of stability, if only because buildings are made to last for a long time and therefore require the use of methods which have proved their worth over the years and that of tr...

Training and Employment, n° 82 , October 2008, 4 p.