Céreq Bref, n° 456, September 2024, 4 p.

Do all university master's graduates start their working lives on an equal basis?

Published on
12 September 2024

As a consequence of the general increase in qualification levels, the proportion of young people entering the labour market with a master’s degree is steadily increasing. Although this diploma is one of the highest school-leaving qualifications, not all graduates are equally well integrated into the labour market. How can these differences in career paths between young people with the same level of qualifications be explained? Céreq’s Génération survey, which monitors the initial stages of the working lives of young professionals who completed their master’s degrees in 2017, offers insights into answering this question.

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Robert Alexie, Akkouh Maryam, Do all university master's graduates start their working lives on an equal basis?, Céreq Bref, n° 456, 2024, 4 p. https://www.cereq.fr/en/diplomes-master-universitaire-insertion