Céreq, leader of the CVTS6 French survey, with Dares and France Compétences

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The Continuing Vocational Training Survey is part of Eurostat data collecting programme and contributes to European statistics on lifelong learning. It aims at providing data reflecting the continuing vocational training activities of European enterprises. After a test phase with a sample of enterprises, the survey is due to start in autumn 2021.

Five waves of the CVTS have been carried out until now with the reference years 1993, 1999, 2005, 2010 and 2015.  The French part of the 6th wave (reference year 2020) is carried out by Céreq and is called “EFE-e Enquête Formation Employeur Européenne”[1] in partnership with Dares[2] and France Compétences[3].

EFE-e is underpinned by a European core set of questions providing Eurostat with comparable indicators across Europe and over time on CVT financing and strategies of enterprises. The survey is made up of 8 thematic sections for which indicators are available on Eurostat website:

  • Enterprise background
  • Continuing vocational training strategies
  • Characteristics of continuing vocational training activities (courses and other forms)
  • Continuing vocational training participants, subjects, providers, and costs (CVT courses)
  • Financial data
  • Outcomes of continuing vocational training
  • Reasons for the non-provision in continuing vocational training activities
  • Initial vocational training contribution

The French part of the survey considers the national context. Historically, CVTS has contributed to the evaluation of the successive French laws on vocational training (2004, 2009 and 2014). The current survey is designed to carry on the assessment and bring about new insights on the 2018 reform. In addition, the extension of the survey to all enterprises will enable France Compétences to conform to its legal obligation to collect data on enterprises’ satisfaction with their vocational training support agency (Opco, joint approved organisation).

First results should be available by autumn 2022.

Project team : Agnès Checcaglini, Jean-Marie Dubois, Edmond Noack, Christèle Gauthier, Jean-Claude Sigot, Isabelle Marion-Vernoux

Contacts : Agnès Checcaglini, Jean-Claude Sigot and Jean-Marie Dubois

More information on the CVT Survey (in French)


[1] European Training and Employer Survey

[2] Department for studies and statistics, French ministry of Labour, Employment and Economic Inclusion

[3] French national agency for the financing and regulation of vocational training and apprenticeship

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Céreq, leader of the CVTS6 French survey, with Dares and France Compétences, https://www.cereq.fr/en/node/10127/printable/print

Source URL: https://www.cereq.fr/cereq-leader-cvts6-french-survey-dares-and-france-competences