Couverture FE 159
Formation Emploi, n° 159, October 2022, 236 p.

Selection practices: at the crossroads of education and employment

Published on
21 October 2022

This issue of Formation Emploi proposes a longitudinal analysis of selection processes, since the aim is to disentangle the practical effects of selection in education from that in companies. While the prisms of training-employment adequacy and inequalities remain prevalent in this area, questions of relationships to work and employment are often more underlying. Beyond the employability of young people and the professionalisation of training, the rise in tensions on the labour market reminds us of the importance of questioning the employability of companies, working and employment conditions, but also the meaning of work.

Contradictions in the professionalisation of the care sector in view of the creation of the vocational baccalaureate ASSP

Nicolas Divert

In the context of the reform of the vocational pathway that started in 2007, the establishment, back in 2011, of the Bac Pro “Support, care and services” (“Accompagnement, Soins et Services à la Personne” - ASSP) completes the offer of diplomas in the health, social and and medico-social sector of Higher Education. Promoting the transversality of knowledge throught the ethics of care, this new diploma is inscribed within a wider training and certification policy and targets sectors of activity that are not clearly defined, this effectively questions the professionalization of its graduates and the recognition of their qualifications.

Do co-investment in training and the territorialization of skills make qualifications more professional?

 Emmanuel Quenson

This article studies the establishment of a public policy for the professionalization of training in certain territories. Returning to his intentions which reconsider the diploma by adding various training aggregates related to employment and making the local level a resolving level of the problems encountered in terms of training-employment relations, he questions its effects based on several localized analyzes. It shows its ambiguities and limits, both in the school system and in terms of opportunities for young people in the labor market.

Work-study training program in the Master of Sociology: educational responsibility, challenges and strategies deployed in the students’ professionalization

Fabio Marcodoppido

Based on a study carried out through semi-structured interviews, this article studies three issues that the work-study framework entails for academic managers of six sociology courses : to be attractive in order to perpetuate the master, the writing of a research paper based on a field of internship or apprenticeship, a dual academic and extra-academic professionalization. Coming back to the strategies that these professors deploy to best ensure their educational responsibility and meet these issues, the article shows a tension between the marketization of work-study programs and a training approach that goes beyond the employability of students.

Reconciling emancipation and professionalization : the case of an introductory course in managament in a DUT in administration of organizations

Yves Lemarié

By focusing on knowledge with a predetermined utility, the current conception of professionalization might privilege an adaptive finality of teaching (adpating oneself to the world) to the detriment of an emancipating finality (understanding the world by exercising one’s critical mind). Based on an empirical study of comments and reflections of DUT (University Technology Diploma) students after an introductory course in management, this article examines the possibilities and modalities of an articulation between professionalization and emancipation.

Entering the matrix. The professionalization of studies through the lens of extracurricular activities

Julie Couronné, Camille Dupuy, François Sarfati, Jules Simha

University policies encourage extra-academic “commitments” by recognizing the experiences acquired in the validation of curricula, thus acknowledging that it is not only on the university benches that students can learn. We analyze the professionalization of higher education from the extra-academic activities carried out by students. We report on the way students invest and give meaning to these activities, and reveal the strength of the “disciplinary matrix” in projections into the future and, consequently, in the forms of professionalization.


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Mention the publication

Selection practices: at the crossroads of education and employment, Formation Emploi, n° 159, 2022, 236 p.

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