Training and Employment, n° 105, June 2013, 4 p.

Raising awareness among science students of their future careers and employability

Published on
28 June 2013

Long sheltered from unemployment, science students today have to give some thought to preparing for their entry into working life. The French Science Insert project, selected from among the projects funded by the Fonds d'expérimentation pour la jeunesse/Fund for Experimental Youth Projects, is equipping them with the tools they require for this purpose. The method adopted to evaluate the project, the so-called double difference method, can be used to show that the awareness-raising measures developed in the course of the project are appropriate.

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Baslé Maurice, Dubois Jean-Marie, Raising awareness among science students of their future careers and employability, Training and Employment, n° 105, 2013, 4 p.

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