Couverture Céreq Formation Emploi 140 - L'éducation à l'esprit d'entreprendre en questions
Formation Emploi (in English), n° 140, January 2018, 188 p.

Entrepreneurial mindset

Published on
25 January 2018

This Formation Emploi special report is devoted to the entrepreneurial mindset. The entrepreneurial dynamic is indeed so sweeping in its range and implications that it extends well beyond the founding of an enterprise, even if market and non-market activities are included. The focus here is more broadly on the entrepreneurial mindset, that is to say on the spirit of initiative rather than on the establishment of a business, the process rather than the result of entrepreneurialism.


Emerging « Entreprenance » In French Primary Education: The Reconfiguration of Educational Policies And Their Assessment

Stéphanie Morel, Sarah Maire

Entrepreneurial skills, social and emotional skills,soft skills several concepts overlap today, all promoting a new enterprising and creative self. This individual is placed in a lifelong learning process in order to meet tomorrow's needs. Focusing on primary education in France, this article shows how the renewal of public instruments and the development of educational innovations by non-institutional actors lead to a growing promotion of what authors callentreprenance. This concept brings together the ability to learn autonomously and to develop an entrepreneurial spirit. The article finally studies how the praise ofentreprenanceamong children entails the development of new assessment tools, gradually producing a new shaping for educational policies. 

Tensions between emancipatory entrepreneurship and procedural entrepreneurship: the case of french Sport Sciences

Terral Philippe, Dubois Fanny, Gojard Loïc

By associating three surveys on the french Sport Sciences discipline dealing respectively with the divergences between trainers, student and professional careers in the field of sport, we argue that the global tension between the spirit of emancipatory entrepreneurship and the procedural spirit of enterprise takes various forms. Among the trainers it overlaps the controversies between conceptions of the professionalization of students. In the careers of these young peoples becoming professionals, it is expressed in the difficult articulation of the passion for sport, success in the studies and the perennial exercise of a trade.

The use of business games in the doctoral curriculum: “enterprise education” and “entrepreneurship education” in research training

Jean Frances, Stéphane Le Lay

In the field of training, business games have usually been considered efficient for people to acquire entrepreneurship knowledge and skills. Since the 1990s, they have been included in the curriculum of French research trainees, under the name of Doctoriales®. In this paper, we analyse how this apparatus maintains a vagueness between “enterprise education” and “entrepreneurship education”. In particular, we show how the so-called postgraduates “innovating project” is gradually thought and led with neoliberal principles - breaking with ethical positions which are claimed at the beginning of the game.

Coding School and Entrepreneurship : From Business Creation to Entrepreneurial Spirit

Michaël Vicente

This study of a short term, free, coding school for young people, aims to show how the issue of entrepreneurship is captured and adjusted by computer code training. The evolution over one year of a particular school and the insertion of its students show the limits of the training. The initial goal to forecast entrepreneurship in the digital world was transformed into the less ambitious one of training in computer code. By giving entrepreneurship a place quite different from that initially asserted, this experience nevertheless allowed the development of attitudes and skills specific to entrepreneurship.

Making entrepreneurial culture accessible in higher education: the limits of a voluntary based program

Magali Danner, Nelly Schutz

This paper focuses on an entrepreneurial awareness program in higher education, based on a five-month experimental approach. We study the consequences of the institutional choices made on the profile of the audience (voluntary work and validation of ECTS -European Credits Transfer Scale- in training) which may incur a selection bias. The analysis leads us to question the impact of these choices with regards to the objective of European and national policies aimed at promoting entrepreneurial

Entrepreneurship education in secondary education, in France: political realities from supranational level to local level

Sylvain Starck

Following the «Conference on Entrepreneurship», echoing European recommendations, François Hollande (2013) announces the establishment of an entrepreneurship education program in secondary education. What about further the lower secondary school reform of 2016? We recall the context in which such a program is called to develop, in France, by questioning his rhetoric. Then, we characterize the development of training in entrepreneurship in the French secondary education, from the point of view of national and regional educational policies. Finally, we wonder about its implementation in the Hauts-de-France region.

Corporate spirit-based socialization in schools in France

Lucie Tanguy

Schools and companies have grown closer in direct correlation with a public action policy called partnership'. In this way, the number of agreements with the Ministry of National Education, Rectorats (French local education authorities) or schools and associations, for the most part linked to large companies/corporations, has increased. One of these associations is setting up mini-companies in junior secondary schools and high schools as well as start-ups in universities. It aims to convey «the corporate spirit» in order to boost young people's chances of integrating the workforce. We shall analyze, herein, this connection process between the school/academic environment and the corporate world using observations from the mini-firms and by identifying networks for promoting this movement.


Entrepreneurial mindset
The « Documentation française »
Formation Emploi , n° 140 , January 2018 , 188 p.
Price 24,50 €
Only abstracts are in English, texts are in French.


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Entrepreneurial mindset, Formation Emploi (in English), n° 140, 2018, 188 p.

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