Céreq Etudes, n° 19, November 2018, 106 p.

French national qualification framework : its genesis, working and new challenges

Published on
7 November 2018

Getting an understanding of the process of incorporating qualifications into National Qualifications Frameworks

This report is the result of the many drafts produced by the Céreq project team that worked with the NQF-In partnership in order to reach a mutual understanding of the process of incorporating qualifications into National Qualifications Frameworks.

As the report shows, France benefits from a firmly established, centralised qualification system governance whose founding principles date back to the 1960s. To date at least, the many reforms and gradual opening-up of the system to market influence have not weakened regulation by the French state, which retains 'ownership' of qualifications and sole responsibility for quality assurance.

The report places emphasis on the accreditation and quality processes, listing a number of different types of qualification awarded in the country and the procedures for their inclusion in the framework.


Mention the publication

Paddeu Josiane, Veneau Patrick, Meliva Alexandre, French national qualification framework : its genesis, working and new challenges, Céreq Etudes, n° 19, 2018, 106 p. https://www.cereq.fr/en/node/9031/printable/print

Source URL: https://www.cereq.fr/french-national-qualification-framework-its-genesis-working-and-new-challenges