Training and Employment, n° 136, March 2019, 4 p.

Young people spending time abroad: European targets partially achieved, but access remains unequal

Published on
11 March 2019

A European indicator, constructed in part using data from Céreq's Génération survey, shows that France is fairly well positioned when it comes to the time the country's students spend abroad in the course of their studies, even though the 2020 target has not yet been achieved. On the other hand, very few of the young people in vocational secondary education or apprenticeships go abroad as part of their education or training. However, these indicators do not reflect the full diversity of the experiences abroad acquired in the course of their studies by the young people who left the education system in a given year.

Mention the publication

Robert Alexie, Calmand Julien, Young people spending time abroad: European targets partially achieved, but access remains unequal, Training and Employment, n° 136, 2019, 4 p.

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