Training and Employment, n° 144, April 2020, 4 p.

Envisioning the occupations of the future together

Published on
10 April 2020

The case of the waste recovery and recycling sector 

In a national and international economic context in which jobs and skills are changing rapidly, prospective analysis is an approach that the economic partners and public authorities in France use on a regular basis. Between 2017 and 2019, Céreq and France Stratégie trialled a new prospective approach. It is based on the involvement of a group of experts and economic and social actors in a particular sector who come together in order to produce and share a forward-looking vision for the long, medium and short term.

Mention the publication

Brochier Damien, Envisioning the occupations of the future together, Training and Employment, n° 144, 2020, 4 p.

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