The sectoral analyses, studies of firms’ practices and observations of work carried out by Céreq are based on analyses of the  Générations surveys (a national programme that tracks the early years of the working lives of young people of all levels of education and training) and the  Defis surveys (on continuing training for employees), as well as on ad hoc surveys, field observations and the use of statistical data. These studies focus on analysing work and understanding the changes in occupations and the organising principles of sectors and industries, as well as on firms’ practices and identification of their skill requirements. The analyses, which connect directly with the major (digital and ecological) transformations, also adopt approaches looking forward over the medium and even long term.

3 résultats

In a fast-changing global context impacted by major societal shift (climate, digital, demographic) and turmoil (pandemics, international political instability), economies are transforming, skills required on the labour market are evolving and professions are changing. It is in these conditions that career transitions and professional reorientation take place.

In and Around 55 p

The question of retraining lies at the heart of current employment policy issues. However, wanting to change occupation is no guarantee of completing a retraining programme, even less of finding a job. While low-skilled blue- and white-collar workers are the ones most likely to seek a change, they are also the ones who benefit least from a retraining programme. Workers’ desires to retrain are…

Training and Employment 4 p

The Quarries and Building Materials sector is being faced like many others with the ageing of its workers and is having to solve recruitment problems. The question which has therefore arisen is how to deal with the workforce replacement requirements. To answer this question, a three-stage prospective survey has been launched in this sector. The aim is to analyse how activities and jobs as well…

Training and Employment 4 p