256 results

Thematic country review on upskilling pathways for low-skilled adults in France 2nd phase - cover

Thematic country review on upskilling pathways for low-skilled adults in France - 2nd phase

This report summarises the outcomes of the second (micro) phase of the thematic country reviews (TCRs) on upskilling pathways in France, which reflect the points of view of both the beneficiaries of the outreach and guidance schemes and services unde...

, n° , September 2024, 129 p.
Couverture - Bref 456

Do all university master's graduates start their working lives on an equal basis?

As a consequence of the general increase in qualification levels, the proportion of young people entering the labour market with a master’s degree is steadily increasing. Although this diploma is one of the highest school-leaving qualifications, not...

Céreq Bref, n° 456 , September 2024, 4 p.
Couv Bref 455

Work-linked training, a plus for young people from the priority districts of the city policy (QPVs), provided they have access to it

Young people from priority urban neighbourhoods leave the educational system with fewer qualifications than other young people, and with less work-linked training, particularly at secondary education level. Yet this type of training enables them, at...

Céreq Bref, n° 455 , August 2024, 4 p.
Couverture - Bref 454

Are current working conditions affected by one's work history?

Working conditions in France are quite heterogeneous. They vary according to the socio-demographic characteristics of employees but are also linked to their career paths. Employees who have made progress by changing companies without becoming unemplo...

Céreq Bref, n° 454 , July 2024, 4 p.

A new sense of purpose for young NEETs in the context of the ecological transition

Traditional approaches to career and vocational guidance are often insufficient to help young people in NEET situations (i.e. not in employment, education or training) find their way. As an experiment involving alternative approaches, the "100% trans...

Céreq Bref, n° 453 , June 2024, 4 p.
Bref 452 _ Une

The strength of links between social origin, degrees and integration

At a time when the younger generations are massively gaining access to the baccalaureate and higher education, what influence do social origins have on educational and career paths? This Céreq Bref provides some answers, based on observations made in...

Céreq Bref, n° 452 , May 2024, 4 p.
Calificaciones 134

Transición ecológica: ¿puede el Estado orientar la acción de los sectores profesionales?

¿Cómo se anticipan los sectores profesionales, a través de sus ramas, a la ecologización de los empleos y las competencias? Una manera de evaluarlo es examinar los contratos de Compromisos de Desarrollo del Empleo y las Competencias (o EDEC por su si...

Calificaciones y empleo, n° 134 , March 2024, 4 p.

Ecological transition in the construction industry: site managers on the front line

The building sector is well known for its high levels of pollution and its high greenhouse gas emissions, particularly when it comes to newly constructed buildings. It is therefore subject to numerous regulations, particularly those of the 2021 "Clim...

Céreq Bref, n° 448 , December 2023, 4 p.
Une Bref 447

Cooperatives for ecology: is it a matter of organisation?

Besides professional activities directly linked to environmental protection, there are a number of sectors in which the ecological transition is a key issue guiding the development of their professional practices. This is the case of the social and s...

Céreq Bref, n° 447 , December 2023, 4 p.
Training & Employment - 161

Shortage occupations: might young people be the answer?

Tensions in the labour market reflect recruitment difficulties that are often seen as the result of a gap, in terms of quantity and quality, between applicants’ skills and employers’ expectations. But does such a gap exist for young people at the sta...

Training and Employment, n° 161 , November 2023, 4 p.
In and Around 4 - About career transitionsIn and Around 4

About career transitions

In a fast-changing global context impacted by major societal shift (climate, digital, demographic) and turmoil (pandemics, international political instability), economies are transforming, skills required on the labour market are evolving and profess...

In and Around, n° 4 , November 2023, 55 p.

Domestic helpers: finding the right balance between self-sufficiency and group involvement

Mostly performed by women, not very highly regarded and poorly paid, domestic help has many of the characteristics of so-called "low-skilled" jobs, including a high level of physical and psychological stress. Despite the fact that they generally carr...

Céreq Bref, n° 445 , November 2023, 4 p.
Couverture FE 163

Certification : towards a new training paradigm?

In this new issue of  Formation Emploi, we take a closer look at the rationale behind certification, which has become a fundamental aspect of the French training system. It highlights the legal ambivalence of certification, and reveals how the e...

Formation Emploi, n° 163 , October 2023, 177 p.
Calificaciones 132

¿Cómo garantizar el desarrollo de las competencias en teletrabajo?

El teletrabajo, poco practicado antes de la crisis sanitaria, se ha convertido en la norma para muchos empleados durante los periodos de confinamiento, y parece destinado a convertirse en una característica permanente de las prácticas laborales. El a...

Calificaciones y empleo, n° 132 , September 2023, 4p. p.
Calificaciones 133

Entre renunciar y lanzarse: los proyectos de reconversión

La crisis sanitaria fue tan inédita como inesperada, e interfirió en los proyectos de reconversión profesional de los trabajadores. ¿Cómo lo afrontaron? ¿Qué ocurrió en el caso de los obreros y los empleados, en especial las categorías menos califica...

Calificaciones y empleo, n° 133 , September 2023, 4 p.
Calificaciones 135

La responsabilidad social de las empresas frente a la transición ecológica

Para las empresas, la transición ecológica adopta a menudo la forma de obligaciones reglamentarias. Pero, ¿qué ocurre con los mecanismos no vinculantes de ecologización, como la "responsabilidad social de las empresas" (RSE)? ¿Cómo movilizan este enf...

Calificaciones y empleo, n° 135 , September 2023, 4 p.
Calificaciones 136

"Aprender en el trabajo", otra vía hacia la calificación

Muchos jóvenes abandonan el sistema educativo sin ninguna calificación. Para la mayoría de ellos, a menudo procedentes de medios desfavorecidos o de zonas urbanas o rurales periféricas, el acceso al aparato formal de formación no es algo natural. "Ap...

Calificaciones y empleo, n° 136 , September 2023, 4 p.
Calificaciones 137

Desigualdades de género al comienzo de la vida activa: un panorama desalentador

Aunque las mujeres jóvenes siguen teniendo un mayor nivel de estudios que los hombres, las desigualdades de género en el mercado laboral no disminuyen. Desde el acceso al empleo hasta los niveles salariales, este Céreq Bref hace un balance de la situ...

Calificaciones y empleo, n° 137 , September 2023, 4 p.