4 results

Couverture Céreq Etudes 19 - French national qualification framework : its genesis, working and new challenges

French national qualification framework : its genesis, working and new challenges

Getting an understanding of the process of incorporating qualifications into National Qualifications Frameworks This report is the result of the many drafts produced by the Céreq project team that worked with the NQF-In partnership in order to reach...

Céreq Etudes, n° 19 , November 2018, 106 p.

When Education has finished

The book presents the detailed results of the large-scale national survey carried out in the spring of 2016 among young people who left education in 2013. Over the past twenty years, the Céreq has conducted a series of triennial surveys, with a repr...

Cereq Surveys, n° 1 , October 2017, 76 p.

2016 survey of the 2013 cohort: No improvement in the education-to-work transition for young people with lower secondary qualifications only

Against the background of a weak economic recovery, access to employment for young people in the 2013 cohort was slightly more favourable than for the preceding cohort. In 2016, three years after they had left the education system, one young worker i...

Training and Employment, n° 129 , October 2017, 4 p.

30 years of homologation. A mode of certification based on the logic of diplomas

The present homologation procedure, which developed as part of the move to make continuing vocational training officially recognized at State level in France, is actually very similar to the initial vocational education and training system in many re...

Training and Employment, n° 63 , August 2005, 4 p.