2 results

Couverture Céreq Etudes 7 - L'émergence de pratiques écoresponsables : Analyses dans le bâtiment, la méthanisation et le transport-logistique

The emergence of environmentally friendly practices. Three analyses in the construction, anaerobic digestion and transport sectors

The construction, agricultural anaerobic digestion and freight transport and logistics sectors are the subject of three case studies that examine in turn public policies on the ‘greening’ of each sector, the development of new approaches to ener...

Céreq Etudes, n° 7 , February 2017, 28 p.

How they became eco-friendly architects

The environmental quality of buildings is an opportunity and,at the same time, a challenge for architects. On the one hand, it gives them a chance to make 'sustainability' part of the overall objective of architectural quality; on the other hand, it...

Training and Employment, n° 120 , March 2016, 4 p.