7 results


School drop-outs: the lessons from an experiment linking education and health services

The young persons' guidance and support programmes (ateliers pédagogiques/APs) at the Jean Wier Medico-Psychological Centre in Nanterre are an innovative project in the fight against early school leaving. They are run by professionals from the health...

Training and Employment, n° 108 , December 2013, 4 p.

'Men tend to be go-getting but women are better organised': what recruiters say about job applicants and gender

Discrimination when hiring new staff is punishable by law. And yet gender is seldom a neutral criterion during the recruitment process. The assumption that women are less flexible in respect of their working hours is not the only issue at stake. A wh...

Training and Employment, n° 107 , December 2013, 4 p.
Training 106_cover - Continuing training for employees in Europe: the differences between countries continue to narrow

Continuing training for employees in Europe: the differences between countries continue to narrow

More European employees undertook training in 2010 than ten years previously. The latest European survey of continuing training in enterprises also shows that there are still considerable differences between countries, even though they are tending to...

Training and Employment, n° 106 , October 2013, 4 p.

Raising awareness among science students of their future careers and employability

Long sheltered from unemployment, science students today have to give some thought to preparing for their entry into working life. The French Science Insert project, selected from among the projects funded by the Fonds d'expérimentation pour la jeune...

Training and Employment, n° 105 , June 2013, 4 p.

Preventing young people's involvement in drug dealing - The value of mutual learning in groups of professionals

There are now many groups involved in professional practice analysis ; they differ in their theoretical frameworks, methodologies, the object of their analyses and their aims. Since they involve several institutions and professions, some of them enco...

Training and Employment, n° 104 , May 2013, 4 p.

Across-the-board support required for VAE procedures

VAE procedures are frequently perceived to be protracted,but their length is not the only reason why withdrawals areso frequent. Evaluation of an aims and means contract (AMC )for VAE in Brittany highlights the importance of across-theboardsupport, f...

Training and Employment, n° 102 , March 2013, 4 p.

The social risks of early school leaving : towards a localised prevention policy ?

The point at which a young person drops out of education is generally the moment when longstanding disaffection suddenly emerges into the full light of day. While it is always difficult to put an end to early school leaving, might not action to reduc...

Training and Employment, n° 103 , January 2013, 4 p.