Training and Employment, n° 68, June 2006, 4 p.

The reasons why employees are not all equally attracted to vocational training

Published on
1 June 2006

One third of all French employees undergo vocational training every year and at the same time, one quarter of the employees declare that their needs for vocational training have not been met. The picture reflected in these two figures shows that continuing vocational training does not come up to everybody's expectations. Surprisingly, the least well qualified employees, who are the most highly exposed to labour market fluctuations, are those who express the least dissatisfaction although they are less highly trained. And yet it is for these very people that vocational training should surely play a particularly decisive role. This apparent lack of interest in vocational training is largely due to the fact that employees are not properly informed about the context, the goals and the possible advantages with which it is associated. If vocational training was explained more carefully to employees and if the advantages it can be expected to yield were set out more clearly, many people would no doubt begin to find it much more appealing.

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Fournier Christine, The reasons why employees are not all equally attracted to vocational training, Training and Employment, n° 68, 2006, 4 p.