Trackvet Project - French report

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The French initial and continuing training system is quite diverse. It involves a significant number of ministries which award VET qualifications: Education, Labour, Agriculture, Culture, Sport, Health, Defense, etc. To this multiplicity of State qualifications, we should also add a range of private bodies that can register themselves as qualification providers.

It is, therefore, not feasible to examine the French system as a whole. Consequently, the present report is primarily based on the VET offer provided by the Ministry of Education (which is of course the major French training provider).  The report focus on VET qualifications at levels 3 and 4 in the European Qualifications Framework.

In addition, the report describes qualifications issued by the private sector in the framework of social partners bargaining agreements aimed to support workers with a basic set of key competences, the Cléa qualification1 .


(97-page PDF)


Further reading: Track-Vet Project


  • 1National certification on key basic competences introduced by social partners

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Trackvet Project - French report,