To investigate individual trajectories is to get to grips with career trajectories and initial and continuing training pathways. Céreq analyses all these trajectories and pathways and their evolution, in a context in which there tends to be greater permeability between employment and education/training and between initial and continuing education/training. Céreq bases its studies on field observations, interviews and statistical surveys. Among the last named, the Générations surveys (a national programme that tracks the early years of the working lives of young people with all levels of education and training) and the Defis surveys (on continuing training for employees) provide insights into these trajectories in all their complexity and over their entire duration.

2 résultats

The theme chosen for this first issue - the School-to-Work Transition - underpins a large part of Céreq’s scientific activities since its inception. Written by a former Scientific Director of Céreq, José Rose, professor of sociology, the introductory article presents different transition models showing the various ways education and work can be organized and linked to each other, as well as…

In and Around 62 p

Initial vocational training for young people in France is structured around two pathways: the school-based pathway, with training provided in vocational high schools, and the apprenticeship pathway, when young people enter into a dual vocational training contract that requires them to spend alternating periods of time in the workplace and in apprentice training centres. For…

Training and Employment 4 p