To investigate individual trajectories is to get to grips with career trajectories and initial and continuing training pathways. Céreq analyses all these trajectories and pathways and their evolution, in a context in which there tends to be greater permeability between employment and education/training and between initial and continuing education/training. Céreq bases its studies on field observations, interviews and statistical surveys. Among the last named, the Générations surveys (a national programme that tracks the early years of the working lives of young people with all levels of education and training) and the Defis surveys (on continuing training for employees) provide insights into these trajectories in all their complexity and over their entire duration.

76 résultats

The texts in this issue highlight, each in its specific way, the importance of the international dimension for the Mexican economy. It is an opportunity to look at cross-border movements, multilingualism and, in a certain way, migrations. In France, status and standards are major issues. In Mexico, informality is omnipresent, as is the relativity of norms and status. In the end, Mexico is a…

Formation Emploi (in English) 160 p

High-school students from priority neighbourhoods face specific difficulties in obtaining the bac and going on to higher education. Above and beyond the effects linked to their social background, does the fact of living in a priority neighbourhood have its own impact on their post-bac trajectories and their education-to-work transition? Céreq and the Agence nationale de…

Training and Employment 4 p

Varia n°152

Analysis of insertion paths has progressed significantly in recent decades. It is therefore useful to better understand what makes the different pathways identified possible, or impossible. This issue of Formation Emploi explores some aspects of pathway differentiation.

Formation Emploi (in English) 147 p

Agriculture is now a very small part of the business. Nevertheless, it is a field at the heart of essential activities, as the crisis resulting from Covid 19 reminds us. The specificity of training in this field results both from a global reflection on the productive organisation of the sector and from an original organisation of training.

Formation Emploi (in English) 163 p

Since 1992, the "Géneration" surveys based on a longitudinal methodology, analyse school leavers’ job insertion and trajectories in their first years of active life. Every 3 years, a new survey is conducted among young people leaving the education system in the same year, according to their level of education or…

16 November 2020

This issue of Formation Emploi explores the professional socialisation of young people who attended technical and vocational schools,  in different countries.

Formation Emploi (in English) 233 p