Couverture Céreq Formation Emploi 134 - Pêle-mêle n° 134
Formation Emploi (in English), n° 134, June 2016, 136 p.

Varia n° 134

Published on
20 June 2016

Only abstracts are in English (Texts are in French)

Editorial: On the Boundaries between Categories

Jean-Frédéric Vergnies

This issue of Formation Emploi encourages us to revisit certain categories and the boundaries between them in order to widen our horizons.
Early school leaving has become a major issue for education policymakers in many countries. An article published in a previous issue called on policymakers to go beyond psycho-pedagogical confrontation (poorly performing pupils) and critiques of educational practice (the excluded child) in order to develop a multi-level, inter-sectoral policy.
Educational or even professional success, like early school leaving, is far from being unambiguous. Thus for Sylvain Bourdon, María-Eugenia Longo and Johanne Charbonneau, more or less contradictory norms exist alongside each other. By identifying this plurality of norms, we can separate out several instances of success, in this instance the case of young people aged between 17 and 19 in general and vocational colleges in Quebec1 .
This is all the more the case since the boundaries of the education system are far from being impervious. Certain factors in success, particularly in terms of labour market integration, might well be attributed to education, whereas increasing numbers of students are working at the same time and thereby acquiring skills they are able to exploit subsequently. This phenomenon seems to be growing, as in the example of the Catalan graduates analysed by José Navarro-Cendejas and Jordi Planas Coll.
Another way of investigating the boundaries of the education system is to look into the activities of trainers and educators themselves. In this respect, as Iona Deic shows, the work of employment counsellors working with people in difficult circumstances goes beyond strictly educational or teaching concerns. It is becoming important to identify trainees’ ability to adapt to an environment and to maintain relations with trainers, a network of partners and potential employers.
The boundary between work and free time (leisure, family) can be also be examined, as Christelle Marsault, Lilian Pichot and Julien Pierre do. For sports teachers, the intertwining of work time and free time can be as much of a constraint as a resource, depending on their professional identity, the construction of which depends on their personal motivations as well as on context.
For their part, Hervé Charmettant, Jean-Yves Juban Nathalie Magne and Yvan Renou examine the organisational context in cooperative and participative companies under French law. Here, the priority is job security. This in turn gives rise to the particular forms of flexibility and employee participation that characterise so-called ‘secuflexibility’, which claims to be a sustainable alternative to flexicurity, which is very frequently presented as inescapable.

Happy reading.


  • 1General and vocational colleges, known in Quebec as cégeps, are post-secondary educational institutions that cater, within the same establishment, for young people on technical programmes leading to a career immediately after graduation and for those on 2-year pre-university programmes.

The role of school characteristics on the school dropout. The example of the Academy of Aix-Marseille

El-Mahdi Khouja, Stéphanie Moullet

This article aims to establish the profile of dropouts using data on the Academy (Education Authority) of Aix-Marseille. We also examine the characteristics of schools to explain their role in the dropout. The school effect appears more important for general and technical secondary education institutions for vocational schools; even as school dropout is significantly lower in the former than in the latter.

Social models of success. Keys to comprehending bifurcations in school and work trajectories

Sylvain Bourdon, Maria-Eugenia Longo, Johanne Charbonneau

The increasing complexification of youth’s pathways to adulthood reflects a shift from a socialization process rooted in relatively homogenous social influences to a cohabitation of multiple, and often contradictory, social norms. Social models of success have been extracted and tested in the analysis of longitudinal interviews with 53 young Quebecers to better comprehend the role played by normative references in the choices they made, in their sequencing along the lifecourse and in the bifurcations they fostered.

What is the impact of working during college on future employment outcomes of Catalan graduates?

José Navarro-Cendejas, Jordi Planas

 What is the link between working while studying and future employment opportunities? We analyze the 2007 promotion of university graduates in Catalonia, surveyed in 2011, taking into account the influence of work during school. We consider working while in college under two complementary perspectives: the competencies and the professionalization. Thus, some paid activities during studies favor the professional insertion, especially when jobs are linked to the curricula.

The training to insertion, a service activity apart ?

 Iona Boanca-Deicu

 In competition to obtain public funding, the trainers strive hard to come to terms with the expectations and the demands, in part contradictory, of their different "clients": the trainees, the prescribes and the employers. Based on a study on the region of Haute Normandy, this article presents certain aspects of the work of the trainer, which are rarely dealt with: the "coproduction" of the service, the elaboration of the "diagnosis of aptitude" of the trainees and the management of the negotiations with their partners.  

The atypical working time of the sport instructors: between constraint and identity resource

Christelle marsault, Lilian Pichot, Julien Pierre

For professionals working in the associative sports sector, the overlapping of work time and leisure is presented as a constraint than a resource characterising their professional identity. How these employees manage their time working depends on their personal motivation, but also contextual effects. Thus, the perception of time and consequently its classification in leisure time or work are far from homogeneous.

 “Secuflexibility”: Cooperative and participative societies (Scop), beyond the flexibility-security tension

Hervé Charmettant, Jean-Yves Juban, Nathalie Magne, Yvan Renou

In a context of prioritized flexibility, “flexicurity” substitutes alternative forms of security to job security for employees. Our survey shows a reverse logic in SCOPs (Cooperative and Participative Societies) as job security is priority whereas flexibility is internal: we use the term “secuflexibility”. Our observations shed light on the conditions of this original and demanding approach trying to reconcile job security and flexibility. Specifically, we insist on workers’ participation and responsibility.



The « Documentation française »

Formation Emploi , n° 134 , 2016 , 136 p.

Price 24,50 € 

Only abstracts are in English, texts are in French.  

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Varia n° 134, Formation Emploi (in English), n° 134, 2016, 136 p.