Varia n° 148
This issue of Formation Emploi explores the concept of support, whether it is a question of studying, in the light of labour law, the support of young people towards adult employee status, the intensive and effective support of young unemployed people with integration difficulties, or even socio-educational support in military-inspired boarding school for young people without a diploma. The international dimension of Formation Emploi is expressed here through a study on the impact of reforms in social work training in Switzerland and a focus on Chinese business schools wishing to adhere to the international model of business school Business School.
Guiding young people towards adult employee status : the development of labour law over the past 30 years
Nathalie Dedessus Le Moustier and Cécile Hablot
In the French labour laws, many age thresholds determine whether a young adult may benefit from job access facilitating measures. Two types of thresholds vary depending on the targeted aim : one being medical protection and the other integration into the world of work. The objectives and measures put in place are part of a larger scheme aiming to guide young people towards adult employee status. Because of their inherent vulnerability, there is no debating the need to guide them, however ; the decisions taken by public authorities over the past 30 years have raised questions. Beyond that, employment policies have led to arrangements in particular with the principles of equality and non-discrimination and whose impact remains debatable.
Intensive support for young unemployed : which effects on their return in employment ?
Guillaume Blache and Nicolas Prokovas
This paper presents and discusses the results of an econometric study, based on a survey related to intensive job-search programs for young unemployed. Expectedly, the study confirms the effectiveness of this innovative device, but not without raising the question of the existence of a selection bias (without this support, the positions of beneficiaries and not beneficiaries would not be the same) ; this fact is related to the logic that prevails in the design of employment policies.
The strength of the form. Discipline and socialization of young people without diploma in military inspiration residency.
Joël Zaffran
L’Établissement pour l’Insertion dans l’Emploi (EPIDE) is a "second chance" program for young people without a diploma. Its originality is to lead them to employment through a socio-educational program in a military inspirated internship. Why, while the offer of hang-up is varied, do young people without a diploma use an internship based on rigor and discipline ? Our survey shows how the institutional nature of the internship adjusts to their desire for autonomy and their conventional life project. It reveals that young people engage freely in the internship, and how the military form improves their socialization.
The impact of social work training reforms in Switzerland : perspective of professionals working in the field of disability
Valérie Perriard and Alida Gulfi
Following reforms of the social work education system, social education professionals with different levels of diplomas now work together in institutions for persons with disabilities in French-speaking Switzerland : socio-educational assistants (SEA), social educators with an Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education (SEH) and social educators with a Bachelor of Arts (SEU). Interviews point out two institutional modalities of division of labour in the consulted structures, indifferentiation and differentiation, the issues they raise and how professionals make them their own.
Chinese business schools international game. Between academic excellence and professional relevance.
Tupac Soulas
The study analyses Chinese schools of management transformation in order to enter the international field of schools of management. For that purpose, their faculty must excel in both academic and professional orientation. The favoured solution is the division of the faculty between scholars and practioners. These changes intend to make the composition of the faculty readable in the international field and are mostly inspired by accreditation agencies and ranking organizations.